Bill of Rights


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

MIA and Trauma

I know I've been MIA a bit here.  I can't get my mind around the words that need recorded here.   An incident occurred that sent me full force into trauma mode.  I can't seem to find my way out if it right now.  H and I have not been communicating well lately so working this one out is on me.

....and here it is more like getting past it rather than through it.

I started a new 12-Step program in the hopes it will help me work through some of my lingering trauma.  I'll come back to this after I've attended a few more meetings and get better feel for where I think this will take me.

Now, in the meantime, or until the words can form, I highly recommend watching this video from the past UCAP  conference in Salt Lake.  If you have already watched it - or if you were lucky enough to attend -- watch it again.

Today -- trauma sucks!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I needed this. I'm going to watch it again and again. You might check the link though it gave me problems... Utah Coalition . org, /whats-a-partner-to-do-staying-sane-through-the-insanity-of-relational-trauma/
