Bill of Rights


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Legal Separation - Divorce - Lawyers

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I spent some time today looking at a few legal websites.  
It's getting closer to needing to make this decision.  


That's all today.


  1. Hugs. This is my worst case nightmare too. It hurts when you love someone, watch them self destruct and then realize that they are dragging you off of the cliff with them and won't let go of your foot --and you see that you need to act to end it. Having been through divorce though I can tell you that it's not that bad. The sun always comes up the next day. You'll keep on living... and after some healing time you're going to realize that like a butterfly you've become a whole new and better person! I pray it will be an easy transition should you reach that point.

    1. Thank you so much. I needed to hear those words today.

  2. I'm so sorry that this decision is even on the table for you. But you deserve to be happy and it's not like you haven't put effort into your marriage or in supporting your H in (and out) of his recovery. You are a wonderful person and it hurts me to see you still hurting so much. Love you and {HUGE {{hugs}}}

  3. I know this is a horrible time for you. I have been through two divorces and both of them actually went as well as they could have gone. Choosing the right attorney is key. You need one that sees exactly what your issues are and goes for exactly what you want. Good luck.

    Sandra Walker @ Eric Risk

  4. I absolutely feel what you are going through. I know that love is hard and that "it takes two to tango" but at the same time I feel like he and I are never on the same page. He shows interest and desire to care about my needs just sporadically and then I go back to feeling alone and unsure about everything.

    Lahoma Carmona @ Phx Divorce Lawyers
