Bill of Rights


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Why Isn't This Working for Me?

I was reminded of this quote at group this past week.  I stopped in my tracks when my eyes caught these words. 

Am I so broken that I can't apply this truth in my life?

Love repairs personal relationships:
 "Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships.  It is the bond that unites families, communities, and nations.  Love is  the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect.  it is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate.  Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine home.  Love should be our walk and our talk."  (President Dieter F. Uchdorf, Healing Through Christ, Step 10, p.96)

I got a text from H this morning, telling me about a Peter Cetera concert coming up.  In another life I would have loved the idea of having my husband take me out.  

But Peter Cetera?

I love his music -- but his songs would be so triggery for me sitting next to H.

H wanted me to make a fast commitment because the tickets were selling out.  I had an easy out when  he told me the cheapest tickets were $105.00.  

Yay! for an overly practical nature.  $105.00 for a concert is not a choice I would make with that kind of money.

Then there was this quote....

   ..and I realized I am in such a bad place with this.  Love is not a healing balm for me -- where H is concerned.

Some of this is true for me where my WoPA friends are concerned.  I have felt amazing love, validation and acceptance from my WoPA friends.

But H....

Love isn't repairing rifts.
I'm not even feeling love for H these days.

When he's gone, I can physically and emotionally relax. When he comes in the door I can feel myself physically tense.  I start to guard myself for what might come next -- even if it doesn't.


No!  I'd just rather not have one when H is around.

This past weekend had me in tears.  
We aren't functioning well around each other.

..and I am exhausted... exhausted


  1. I wish I knew something to say. This seems to be where I've been sick for months now. J is trying. He's sober. He's sorry. Why can't I accept his love our love him in return right now? Can this even be fixed?
    so sorry your here too.

  2. I wish I knew something to say. This seems to be where I've been sick for months now. J is trying. He's sober. He's sorry. Why can't I accept his love our love him in return right now? Can this even be fixed?
    so sorry your here too.

  3. Been there. Our babysitter thinks we've dumped her because I just can't bring myself to go out with my husband any more. I have to put on that false face and pretend we're just like those happy in love couples holding hands and kissing in public, all while I'm dying inside and not only wondering if my husband is checking out the girls around us - but knowing that is is. This addiction has completely ruined dating.

  4. Thank you. It helps to know someone else gets this.
