Bill of Rights


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today's Random Thoughts

I'm preparing for my weekly Healing Through Christ meeting.  I've had a rough couple of days so I'm really looking forward to today.  I'm praying we'll be well attended.

While I'm waiting for the meeting to start and some inspiration to come to me.  I've had a few random thoughts and experiences as I've gone through my day.  I'll share what I have so far -- and then I'll be back to finish this post.

First:  Time Out For Women

Next week I'm praying to be able to attend our local TOFW.  I've been on the publicity committee for the past several months.  I'll have assignments to fulfill, however, the weather on the home front (read H and little D) has been very stormy.  I'm afraid to leave.

Today this came in my inbox from my pub team.  Reminding me that its getting close.  I've been a fan  of Hilary Weeks for years.  She speaks the words of my heart.  Today it was fitting that they linked this video in the email.  I needed both her tender spirit and the beautiful words of her first song.  I hope you'll be touched by it.

Second:  A beautiful picture

This picture is called "The Comforter"  I picked it up this past weekend on a flash trip to Nauvoo.  I've been avoiding that place for years because of all the triggers there.  I had the littles with me the past 8 days and needed to get away.  I headed north.  When we figured we were on path for Nauvoo and doing ok -- we forged ahead.  We got there late, with no time to do anything but circle the small little town and remind ourselves why we love it so there.  The spirit is so strong.  Even riding down the street in the car with littles hollering in the back for 'waa-dur' or 'nack'.  

I was able to get into the Fudge Shoppe for a few minutes, where I snagged this photo.  It spoke to me.  Both the title and the image of the Savior with his hand on the shoulder of a woman.  In a flash of a moment I wanted to purchase hundreds of them to mail to all my WoPA sisters as a reminder of how close the Savior is to them each day.  

Third:  Step 2: "Come to believe that the power of God can restore us to spiritual and emotional health"

I will be beginning step 2 for, I don't know, maybe this is my 10th or 12th or more time.  I just love this step.  (I love them all, but this one is so necessary in the healing process.)  I greatly need this reminder today.  I'll go into more detail why when I return.  

Watch the video.  And watch a few more of hers too like this one ( say love )  I promise -- it will make your heart sing.


  1. You are amazing and you are so beautiful, inside and out. Thank you for your humble example. I'm praying and think of you often. Been reading your blog for a few months here and there. Hugs.

  2. Lindsay, thank you for your prayers and support. It means the worlds to me.
